Supporting our Brokers in response to COVID-19
Aviso Group is working closely with all its brokers to plan, respond and manage the ongoing impact of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic on staff, clients and business operations.
Our staff are working remotely to provide support to our Brokers and their customers.
To get in contact with us, please email our CEO; Craig Robson
Please note, in many cases, insurance will not cover Coronavirus or its impact*. However, insurance remains an essential service for ongoing risk management.
Our brokers are continuing to provide accurate and timely advice, claims support and quotes for all your insurance needs. Car accidents, theft, fire and weather damage, indemnity and landlord claims will continue to be covered under the relevant insurance policies.
If you find yourself in financial stress with insurance premiums due or ongoing monthly payments untenable as result of the current situation, please contact your Aviso Broker and we will work together with your premium funder and insurer to find a solution.
*For more information about how insurance is responding to COVID-19 please visit: